don’t forget

There are some people who come into our lives, and even if they stay for just a brief moment, leave such an impression.

I often think of one such person in my life — a petite elderly woman who was so precious you would want to carry her around in your pocket all day.

Sadly, I can’t recall her name.

We met over a cup of tea at a ladies luncheon at Martindale Baptist Church. I was in my last year of college. She politely asked me what my degree was in and if I had any future plans. I told her I was studying English and journalism as I prepared to start my student teaching the following year.

I discovered this woman was a retired teacher. She taught English for many years. In fact, she helped my very own sophomore English teacher get her start student teaching. I was beginning to think this chance conversation was no accident.

“I’m going to tell you the most important thing you need to know as a teacher,” she said as she leaned in.

Scared out of my mind that I was going to face a roomful of 30 teenagers, I was ready to take any and all advice.

“Every day you walk into that classroom, don’t forget to ask Jesus to walk in with you,” she said.

And that’s all she said. No learning theories, no grading plans. But she was right — it’s the most important.

OK, Jesus, let’s start another year.



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