
Welcome to Hum a Tune where hummingbirds abound. Not really. But who doesn’t like hummingbirds? This is a place where I hope to make sense of my thoughts on “paper,” however there is no guarantee that my thoughts will make sense. Hum a Tune entails thoughts on books, photography, my relationship with Christ, and the ever hilarious tales of teaching and being a single gal. At least that’s a place to start. Thanks for stopping by.

I am a journalism teacher and advise the yearbook and newspaper at a fairly large high school. I love my students. They keep me going each day, and summers are not a bad deal either. I dabble in photography. I get restless if I don’t regularly run. I am a follower of Christ and long for what He has for me. I can be a typography snob. Succulents are my latest favorite, probably because it takes a lot for my less than green thumb to kill them. I am a collector of antiques, thanks to my grandmother. I can identify almost any North American bird. I should own stock in Target, Hobby Lobby and Starbucks.